Latest version of Synesthesia can be found here
Github repo (request invite through the Razer Sensa DevKit page) – contains drivers, firmware and apps
Drivers Setup
If they’re not installed, go to the Drivers folder inside the repository. If you need only release version, just double-click the installer Install_RzInterHaptics_Inbox_1.x.x.x.exe*. If you need also the Debug version, open command prompt on the DLL folder and write “ start Install_RzInterHaptics_Inbox_1.x.x.x.exe /Debug“ then press enter.
*where 1.x.x.x is the current version of the Razer Sensa drivers present in the Drivers folder.
Synesthesia app
The Synesthesia apps can be found in the folders. To avoid compatibility issues, unzip the folder in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Interhaptics\Synesthesia folder. The executables can be found in the Release and ReleaseConsole folders.
Inside the folder there are also the following executables:
ChromaFakeClient\ChromaFakeClient.exe: simulates a Chroma Sensa enabled app and can send messages. The messages are loaded from the ChromaFakeClientData.txt file. Synesthesia must be started for the fake client to work.
SynesthesiaStop.exe: terminates the Synesthesia app if it’s active or in background.
HapticFolders\ : some sample folders containing haptic configuration file and the haps haptic effects to be played. (among them Hogwarts Legacy which is detailed in the following sections)
Release\ : folder containing release candidate version of synesthesia (no window/background process)
ReleaseConsole\ : folder containing console version of synesthesia. This version is able to automatically create a Haptic Folder just by listening to a Chroma Sensa enabled app’s external messages.